Advice by charles duncan When the sangurian empire was defeated after luminary's fall , it was marshmallow sunshine, a most unusual of the incorporateds, who traveled deep into the depths of the long-forgotten planet summerien's main city... mostly looking to find a new purpose in life.. a purpose known only to her at the time.. especially since scarf2 had tried to get on the grand neverrest before the attack on the base of omeson padera... and having known marshmallow sunshine, she'd been kept off for refusing to wear so called 'protective outfits' casey had an idea that some of those on the ship should wear, to disguise their karmas from the evil one. and she mostly discovered something unique about the incorporateds there.. a insane asylum where a lightwave was once staying.. at least until she had found a purpose in life.. and a lot of chupacabras. most of whom she managed to defeat with her ability to splurt marshmallow at her enemies much like a venus flytrap doesn't. although she had a major headache at the time, she inquired much about lightwave, who personally had met a buford a year or so ago... who had also returned as sunflower... and found out that it was very likely that a grey casey, who was in another world, was responsible for much of the temporal shifts of the past.. who had a wallaby driver. And that she was missed a lot during her time there. So she traveled to where lightwave was currently, mostly during a time of non-confrontation, known otherwise as sunflower, and asked lightwave, 'what drove you crazy in the first place?' She sighed as the grey casey and the black casey kept trying to call her at once, both apparently from different worlds.. 'it's men that drive people crazy... in how they get within you somehow.' 'Tell me', marshmallow said before lightwave began talking to the caseys... 'anything you should do with my life? for i look for a purpose in mine.' 'Well, don't be a writer... because you never know who might read what you're writing. and never get so self-abusive that it lowers the quality of your life.. and if you ever get the chance to fly.. don't try flying into the sun.. it's waay too far for one to fly into.' 'Is being a hero still a good idea?' 'being a heroine is a better one.', lightwave replied. 'Thanks. By the way, what are you doing in the grocery store?' 'Let's just say i was looking.. for something different to do with my own life. and giving advice is something i don't usually do.' She then talked to the grey casey, who had a problem with his kids, as marshmallow sunshine walked out... wondering why the sun was red in the world lightwave was in. especially when it set in the north. Later that day, a woman named jasaya, who had often been kidded around, came by that same grocery store..unaware a trap was awaiting her.. as a being named myriad who was close to the incorporateds before some had downfalls in the past.. thought it might be a kick to go pester the rival groups coming by under the name of incorporateds.. as not much else was happening at the time, save for idle threats by a being known as xan.