Snow Monkey Dog written by Speedster It was a deadly time in the hills of a distant world as the Arkune highlord watched the world go by... where lots of geishas ran in the fields, giggling like mad.. going 'hee hee hee hee hee'.. and the sky was all painted orange.. when one of his underlings came out and gave him a bad message.. "Sir, we have a problem in the Tenasi province.. there are wild bandits who want to steal all the apples for your harvest." "Really.. well, I shall send my great ninja Snow Monkey Dog into the fray to personally deal with it.. and do not let anyone know he is leaving for he is very secretive. Especially since there are spies everywhere determined to end my peaceful rule in the high summertime." "That is an excellent decision, sire, I shall send him with a month's worth of rations to tackle the problem and make sure he does not come across any peril". Then Snow monkey dog fell from the ceiling and said, "Yes my lord, I shall not fail you in your attempts to keep the peace in the valley" as the floor shook with a thud. And then he ran out...almost, but not before bowing to the palm trees around him who seemed to have eyes of their own. "Good luck to you for you are my most trusted warrior in times of crisis", he said, as the ninja ran out into the open air, going "I shall run to find these bandits and end their peril forever", almost tripping over the geishas as they still laughed. As the ninja ran into the forest, he saw the bandits who were all walking slowly in a row, bowing and moaning and saying.. "Ohio, Oregon, the big Hose is the way", as they stood over their ill gotten gains and laughed.. "Noone shall ever take what we have stolen back what stolen from us.. AARGGHHH!!"... as the Snow Monkey Ninja made his presence known in the midnight air. Just then, the Snow monkey ninja jumped down from the trees, and said "Hialeah, you are undone", as he threw lots of shuriken at the ninjas, who sank into the ground moaning.. as well as lots and lots of bananas which other ninjas came in and slipped on, who tried to toss strips of green paper and purple paper at the ninja which dodged them all.. as a big fruit dropped from the sky and broke on the remaining ninjas...smelling of orange and lemon.. And then, after about a bit of fighting, the bandits all laid there, as the snow monkey dog returned bringing all the apples back, as well as the rest of the fruit.. and there was great celebration as the geishas giggled some more.. ---- Somewhere else, as Speedster was typing on a keyboard somewhere, Casey was wondering.. "What are you writing, Speedster?" Speedster replied.. "Let's just say.. I'm considering branching out into other fields." "NIIICE", Casey said.. "But what's an Arkune?" "Well", Speedster said as Wilson walked by.. half asleep and drinking a lot of coffee from some reason.. "Let's just say I was in a creative mood." "And why are all the geishas laughing?", said Casey. "Dunno.. Because sometimes everyone needs a good laugh once in a while... and by the way.. do you think it's a good idea to someday write a detective novel? For someday I want to write one about a detective.. If I ever get a break." "Well, I hope you get published", Casey said, "Because i've been trying to get noticed for years in a lot of fields myself." And with that, Casey went on the couch and slept.. and wondered indeed.. "Where does he come up with this stuff?" Below them , the planet Tenasi rotated.. rather quietly.